Support level

£999.00 / month
What is Cloudworkz Evolve ?
How it Works

We assess your readiness for digital transformation.
Administer the Assessment
We measure Digital Mindset and Digital Skills to measure your level of readiness for digital transformation
Interpret the Results
Your dedicated Cloudworkz team presents real-time results in an interactive dashboard. We work collaboratively with your in-house team to interpret and explain the analytics.
Roll out the Action Plan
The team creates a summary of the findings. interpretations, and a plan of actions customized to your requirements, objectives, and pain points.

Access products, services, resources, and softwares to implement digital transformation
Custom Development
Turnkey Software Solutions and Tools
Subscription Workforce
Off-the-shelf Digital Products
High-impact Digital Services
Remote Teams or Resources

Enterprise Resource Management
Project management software
Customer Relationship management
Digital asset management (DAM) software
Business workflow management
Database management system (DBMS)

Your dedicated Cloudworkz Evolve Team

Project Manager

Project Coordinator

Innovation Consultant

Operations Director

Assessment Expert: Tool

Assessment Expert: Analytics
Prefer to have your digital overhaul fully managed?
Accelerate digital transformation with our Enterprise Package